Tuesday, September 8, 2009


It didn't occur to me until i was trying to push my way through the crowded hallways of Northwest. The friendly hugs and smiles i got from my friends seemed usual but something was different. I couldn't tell you what it was but something was definitely different. I went to my classes as usual, sat with the same people at lunch got a very normal thing to eat and continued my day trying to put my finger on the one thing that was different today. Finally it hit me, smacked me in the face and lit a lightbulb in my head. People were changing. High school had changed my friends. High school changed them into people that i didn't even know. They were now people who cared about everything, boys and beauty and everything else. These people that have changed were my friends, now we're just sort of acquaintances. see each other in the halls and smile but never actually talk. The people who i considered my good friends in middle school were now going in different directions, each of them on their own path. Some this way and others that. I guess i just didn't think that it would all happen so fast. but we are here and i have my friends and i have my acquaintances. I will continue to work for those acquaintances to work back into friendships


  1. :) I know exactly what you mean. I feel like i hardly know some people I used to call best friends. but, I'm not complaining, because not only are we both happy, but I have a bunch of new friends now too. ;-)
