Monday, September 7, 2009


So you know those days that are a total drag. Those days that you wake up to the annoying buzz, beep, or siren of your alarm clock only to find that its raining outside and you have a sore throat. But the day must go on so you get ready for school half asleep and walk out the door thinking, today may just be one of those days. You go to your classes and try to pay attention between getting up for a kleenex and coughing your guts out, but in reality you didn't get much out of the day. As your walking to your locker after the last class of the day you have a rush of relief and realize then that you have a billion and one things to do when you get home. So you pack your backpack that feels like your carrying around a hippo and walk out to find your ride home. The sniffles and coughs continue as you try to complete everything that was on the list. As you come to the last thing on your list your strength to complete it is withering and you just aren't sure if you can do it, but you turn on some good music and try to let it give you energy to finish that one last item of your "to do" list. Once you've completed this task you feel a rush of relief as you can officially cross it off of your very long list. You eat dinner and relax a little in front of the TV. As you doze off watching your favorite show you decide that its time to hit the sheets. Laying in bed trying to fall asleep you realize one last thing that you forgot to do..... homework.

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