Wednesday, January 26, 2011

week 4

earlier this week my status on fb said "our God reigns. he's conquered the grave. there is hope in his name. he's coming again. our God reigns."

as people began clicking the "like" button some of the people that "liked" it surprised me. this got me thinking... if all those people "like" that particular status what is holding them back from sharing what they believe?

i learned recently that everything i've gone through in life will someday be used to further God's kingdom. every bad decision i've made, every experience that i've had in life will some how be used to share the love of an amazing God. my testimony, everything that has made me who i am right now will be used for His glory.

if every one of those people that "liked" my status would say something about their faith. our school would be worlds different. if everyone would take a stand for what they believe in and chose to be different from everyone else, things would change. if you believe that there is a God who thinks you are the most beautiful thing alive, then show it. if you believe that He loved you enough to take the beating, stabbing, mocking, and nails through his hands and feet to hang on a tree, then live like you believe it.

if you believe it. live it... out loud for the world to see.


  1. amen.

    to think something so broken (our lives) can be made so magnificently beautiful in Christ for God's glory is mind blowing.

  2. well said, sister. praise the Lord for grace and mercy!

    i love you, and enjoy seeing how the Lord is shaping and changing you into a beautiful person.
